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If a person holds a valid license or certificate entitling them to practice as an EMS provider in another state or territory, he/she may receive reciprocal licensing provided the applicant satisfies all the requirements of Maine EMS Rules Chapter 5.
Licensure and license expiration date will be based on materials supplied by the applicant which demonstrate the following:
If you are currently licensed in another state, a Verification of Certification form will need to be completed by the issuing state office. The form is available here or under the publications tab above as part of the Reciprocity Application packet. Complete the top portion of the form and mail it to the issuing office with a self addressed stamped envelope.
Maine EMS may require applicants to complete additional training prior to practicing in Maine. Examples of training may include the Maine EMS Spinal Assessment Protocol training or the Maine EMS Blood Glucose Analysis training.
Application can be made electronically through our eLicensing system available by clicking here. We only accept applications through the Maine EMS eLicense system.
Article ID: 75
Category: Licensing
Date added: 01-28-2014 11:24:10
Views : 21996
Rating (Votes): (35)