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NOTE: A renewal application may be used to renew a license only if it has not expired or has not been expired for 90 days or more.
What do I need to renew my license? You must complete an online eLicensing renewal application and possess enough hours in each CEH category, or you may use your current National Registry card. You should review your CEH report to ensure you have enough hours to renew. Please note that if you use your current National Registry card, your MEMS license will expire on the same date and year as that card.
eLicensing is available at:
Online Training Report:
Current CEH Training Requirements:
Is there a fee? Currently, no fee is associated with a renewal application if filed with MEMS within 90 days. If filed over 90 days, then a fee of $21.00 will be assessed for a new Criminal History Report.
How soon can I send a renewal application, especially if I have expiring CEH hours? You can renew any time before your renewal date; however, your new renewal date will be set when that application is processed. You will not gain any extra time left before the old expiration date. Please note if you use your current National Registry card, your MEMS license will expire on the same date and year as that card.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at
Article ID: 52
Category: Licensing
Date added: 11-12-2013 15:01:51
Views : 34772
Rating (Votes): (267)