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Maine EMS and the MDPB feel we have created an aggressive and effective training curriculum in the 2006 PIFT program. Quality is being constantly monitored by the services, with a local service medical director reviewing 100% of all PIFT charts. In addition, the state EMS QA/QI committee will also be watching the development of this program very closely. If specific issues with a provider or service arise, please contact the service chief and Regional EMS Office.
It is very important that if you feel that the patient is too unstable to be cared for by a PIFT trained paramedic, then you should arrange to send nursing or other staff with the patient during transport or arrange alternative transport (i.e. air medical).
Article ID: 46
Category: Paramedic Interfacility Transfer
Date added: 09-20-2013 14:58:24
Views : 1020
Rating (Votes): (1)