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Note: A new application is required for applicants who are applying for the first time or for Licensees who’s license has expired for more than 90 days. All others may use a renewal application. A link is provided below to the e-licensing login page.
If my license expires can I get an extension? Maine EMS does not grant extensions. When a Maine EMS license expires, the provider is no longer are allowed to respond to and provide patient care until that provider has received notification that the license has been renewed.
Why do I need to provide a public address? The Freedom Of Information Act requires Maine EMS to have public contact information on file.
What is a Criminal Offense? A criminal offense is one that is punishable by a possible period of incarceration, whether or not such a sanction is imposed.
What defines “pending charges? Any court action that has not resulted in a dismissal or a guilty verdict. (Ex.a deferred disposition or a filing is pending court action.)
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Article ID: 50
Category: Licensing
Date added: 11-12-2013 13:55:39
Views : 31651
Rating (Votes): (189)