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If you are not a service administrator and have locked your account, please contact your service administrator.
A printable version of this document is available for download below.
An account is locked out must commonly due to an excessive number of failed login attempts. MEFIRS allows 5 unsuccessful login attempts before locking an account.
Users will not be able to access MEFIRS or change their password until the account is re-enabled. Agency administrators are discouraged from creating new passwords for users who have been locked out. Once the provider has had Login access re-enabled, the provider should use the reset password process to create a new password.
Maine EMS staff are not authorized to re-enable Login Access under any circumstances.
To Allow Login Access:
*** Should you encounter additional difficulty, please create/reply to this ticket ***
Attachments: Unlocking-User-Access-in-MEFIRS-KB003-v2017.011.01.pdf
Article ID: 3
Category: MEFIRS Administration
Date added: 06-28-2013 11:58:33
Views : 3745
Rating (Votes): (8)